Back orthosis for vertebral extension in osteoporosis and strengthening of the core musculature
Spinomed is a back brace. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the spine and only on unbroken skin.
- The easily bent back brace makes it possible to adjust the support individually to each patient
- The brace is light and barely visible under clothing
- The "backpack" principal makes putting the brace on easy
- No obstruction of thoracic or abdominal breathing
- No restriction of shoulder and arm movements
- Back brace is moldable in cold condition
By activating the back muscles the support straightens the dorsal spine to decrease the osteoporotic kyphosis
Stimulation of the body's own muscle power
When optimally fitted the support eases the patient's pain and improves mobility
Putting on the orthosis
Wear the Spinomed over your clothes. To make it easier for you to put on the brace, it is helpful to stand in front of a long mirror.
Putting on the Spinomed is like putting on a rucksack.
Undo the large Velcro fastening at the front.
Put on the orthosis as you would normally put on a rucksack. The lighter side of the back brace goes against your back.
Pass your right hand through the loop on the right-hand closing side. Hold the left-hand closing side with your other hand and close the tummy sheet. The orthosis is positioned correctly when the closing edge is immediately on top of the batten.
Now look in the mirror to check.
The fit of the back brace: this should nestle closely against your spine. The bottom edge of the brace is level with the buttock cleft.
The strap system; none of the straps should be twisted.
The fit of the shoulder pad; the strap must not cut into the underarm area.
The reverse buckles; these must not press in at the side.